Monday, May 17, 2010

A Hiatus’ Hiatus

Well, for all four of you that read my blog, you may have noticed I’ve had a blogger’s fallout. My last post was in the beginning of March. In today’s fast pace life, that might as well of been a decade ago. Well, I have no good excuse except for being a busy working mommy – which is what this blog is about so I think you’ll forgive me, right?

So now that my hiatus is hopefully on a hiatus, I have big plans for the blog. I am planning a makeover in the next month, so keep an eye out for a new look (not me, the blog). I also plan to juice up the “Fresh from the Juice Box” section, ‘cause let’s face it the kid stuff is just funny. Finally, I plan to add a section titled “Mommy Mitigation” – a section just for us moms.

So, unless another alien virus/bacteria starts to take over my household again or I get assigned some ungodly work project with unmanageable deadlines, I promise to be a better blogger buddy.

Don’t give up on me just yet…