Friday, February 19, 2010


Welcome to my blog. High Heels & High Chairs is dedicated to the working mom. Let's face it, it's hard to be everywhere for everyone in your life. The work-life balance is emotional, conflicting and even tormenting. A constant mind battle of wondering if you're doing the right thing for your family. If you're being a good mom, a good career woman, a good wife, a good friend, a good person. When you succeed at work, it feels like you're failing as a mom. When you're being a good mom, work falls behind. You feel like you can never win and maybe you can't, but we can sure talk about it. Mommi-hood and work balance is the most challenging thing I've ever taken on and I don't even know if I am succeeding, but I sure am trying.

I am not an authority on all things "mom" and in terms of the lifetime commitment it takes to raise a child, I am still in my infancy with a just one toddler at home, but I am a mom and a working one who struggles minute by minute to be good at everything, to raise this perfect human being while saving some part of my own humanness.

So if you're a high heel, suit wearing, power mom by day and the bath giving, tear wiping, diaper changing mommy by night...strap on your Manolo's and your diaper bag and let's ride out the challenges and insanities together!


  1. Too funny - I have a blog by the same name ( about adjusting to life as a stay at home mom after a professional life.

    I look forward to reading in the future. Good luck.

  2. Hi Monica,

    Great minds must think alike! I will look for your blog (maybe even highlight it as a sister blog). I like your angle, I am sure its quite an adjustment, going from one world to another. Thanks for reading.

